Grand Opening Celebrations

It's only been about 7 weeks since we officially opened for business! Over the past several weeks, we've had the opportunity to meet many of you in the neighbourhood and also meet both our new and long-time customers. Now that we've had a chance to settle into our new space, we thought that this would be a good time to reflect on our amazing grand opening celebration this past September 26th and to share some photos with you.

To mark the momentous occasion, we baked the longest eclair - possibly, ever.   

Although we didn't call the people at Guinness, it was the largest one we have ever made!


Richmond Hill Mayor, Dave Barrow came out for the official "cake"cutting. 

For our jumbo eclair, we showcased the flavour of our famous Super Caramel Crunch cake so many of you have come to know and love, and put pieces of the pecan meringue into a bed of caramel and vanilla whipped cream, all wrapped up in a flaky eclair. Wow! And if you've seen the photos, the red box that the eclair was presented in was made entirely out of chocolate. 

Some other highlights were giving out one hundred sample dessert flights of our mini eclair, yuzu dome, and hazelnut cube. From all the empty plates, we'll assume you all loved them. You're welcome!

Enjoy the pictures and come and see us soon if you haven't yet!